26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (2024)

A collection of Valentines Day poems to share with the one you love. Short poems for him, for her, and for friends expressing love and appreciation. Poems to express our feelings and appreciation to those special people in our lives.

While we should express our love for othersevery day, on Valentine's Day you want to make a point of expressing. We hopethe verses in these poems give you just the right words to say! Take the time towrite that card, send that message or text wishing friends, family, and special people a HappyValentine's Day!

/Valentines Day Poems

Short Valentines Day Poems

  • A Valentines Wish
    A valentines wish just for you!
    May love and happiness pursue!
    A day of love and thank you's too!
    Wishing you happiness in all you do!!
  • Kisses And Hugs
    Kisses and hugs are sent your way!
    To say have a Happy Valentines Day!
    May sunshine and happiness be with you!
    And may the day be a good one too!
  • Our Love
    Valentine's day declares our love!
    For family and friends, we thank God above!
    A day to show how much you care!
    A day to make others aware!
    So here's a message just for you!
    I appreciate all that you do.
  • With You In My Life
    With you, in my life, things are so fine!
    Every time I see you the sun does shine!
    You bring happiness to others each day!
    So today on Valentine's I just want to say!
    I love you in every way!
  • To My One And Only
    To my one and only on this Valentine's Day,
    I wish to express my love in every way.
    Your smile, your laugh, light up my world so wide,
    With you by my side, I feel a natural high.
    Happy Valentine's Day, My Dear!
  • May God Bless You
    I often don't take the time to say!
    How much you are love in so many ways!
    You're always willing to help when I'm in a bind!
    You are compassionate and so kind!
    Have an amazing Valentine's Day!
    May God bless you, I do pray.

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    Valentines Poems for Him

  • Because I Love You
    by Sarah K. Bolton

    I cannot bring you wealth," she said;
    I cannot bring you fame or place
    Among the noted of the race;
    But I can love you.

    When trials come to test you, sweet,
    I can be sunlight to your feet;
    My kiss your precious lips shall greet,
    Because I love you.

    If sickness comes, beside your bed
    I will bend low with quiet tread,
    And pray God's blessing on your head,
    Because I love you.

    Only myself, my all, I bring;
    But count it, sweet, a precious thing
    To give my life an offering,
    Because I love you.

  • Call You
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Shall I call you sweetheart?
    My love comes from my heart.

    Or shall I call you my dear
    As you are always near.

    Or perhaps"baby" is what I call you
    Because I will always love you so true.

    But today I will call you my Valentine
    And ask you to be mine!

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    Valentine Poems For Her

  • You And Only You
    Poet: J. Hebert, © 2012

    Today is a very special day,
    Not just for you but also for me.
    Today I get to tell you,
    How much I love thee.

    I'll show you with gifts and flowers,
    Maybe an evening out too.
    I've never loved someone so special,
    As how much I feel I love you.

    You're kind, loving and wonderful,
    These things that not everyone is.
    But that's why I'll love you forever,
    You'll always keep me in a quiz.

    So today I want to say something,
    To you and never another.
    Happy Valentine's Day my darling,
    There will never be any other.

    The poet expresses how difficult it is to put his love into words, but he
    also expresses the joy he has found in that person he calls his Valentine.

  • For A Valentine
    Poet: M. E. B.

    The blooming rose so fresh and fair
    Sheds sweetest perfume on the air;
    But 'tis not so sweet to me
    As loving language breathed by thee.

    The diamond is a gem so bright.
    It sparkles with a dazzling light;
    But all its worth I would not prize
    Like loving glances from thine eyes.

    We try by words to faintly tell
    What feelings in our hearts do dwell.
    But none can speak the joy of mine
    In calling thee my "Valentine."

  • Be Mine
    Poet: John Imrie

    The LOOK of a loving eye
    Tells all it knows,
    Like blushing rose,
    And lives to be lov'd - or die!

    The TOUCH of a gentle hand
    A tale doth tell
    Love knoweth well
    And only Love understand.

    The TONES of a loving voice,
    Like birds in Spring,
    Doth sweetly sing,
    And maketh the heart rejoice!

    The JOY of a loving heart
    No tongue can tell:
    Its potent spell
    Neither time nor distance part!

    Sweet words that can never die;
    "Wilt thou be mine?"
    Is the maiden's faint reply.

    These links must not be broken.
    Oh! nol no! no!
    But stronger grow;
    Love's changeless, deathless token!

  • My Wish
    Poet: Byron Pulsifer, ©2021

    If I could wish for just one thing
    It would be that happiness would bring
    A love so strong,
    Forever be a lasting bond
    I love you more and more each day
    I love you more than words can say!

    26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (3)
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    Valentine Poems For Friends

  • A True Friend
    Poet: C. Pulsifer, © 2019

    Many smiles we have shared
    Always willing, you always care.
    Good times we have had many
    I wouldn't trade those times for any!

    When faced with an issue you always try
    To help and be there, you're always on standby.
    I appreciate the support you have given to me
    You're the truest person a friend could be.

    So on this Valentines day
    Let these verses just say
    You are a great person
    And a true friend.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  • In Friendship's Garden
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    In friendship's garden, blooms a love so true,
    A bond that's cherished, forever anew.
    On this Valentine's, a heartfelt cheer,
    For a friend so dear, year after year.

    With laughter shared and moments bright,
    You make my world so warm and light.
    Happy Valentine's Day, my cherished friend,
    Hope you like this Valentine I send!

    26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (4)
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    Poems About Valentines Day

  • St. Valentine's Day
    Poet: Eloise A. Skimings

    Young Cupid awakes,
    His arrows he takes,
    And swiftly they fly from the bow,
    And hard is the heart.
    That withstands the dart
    Of the rosiest rogue I know.

    He quietly steals
    One's heart for his meals.
    And cares not how he is treated;
    If he aims in vain
    He tries it again.
    Anil never was yet defeated.

    So here's to the health
    Of the god of wealth.
    Held within Love's golden meshes;
    Which will never rust
    While Cupid we trust
    With the human heart so precious.

    26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (5)

  • Power Of Love
    Poet: Bernhart Paul Holst

    A word is but a simple sign
    Our mental status to reveal,
    Or our motives to conceal,
    Or the false with truth combine.
    Not so with our true affection,
    Which flows on with perfect rhyme,
    And the heart feels no dejection
    At the joyous mating time:
    Hate gives out sad, doleful groans,
    Love speaks in the sweetest tones.

    Love was given us from heaven,
    And the heart was taught to love
    By the spirit from above,
    Earthly ills to soothe and leaven.
    Love's the privilege of the mind.
    The soul and reason of all life,
    The law that governs all mankind
    And frees us from the bane of strife:
    Hate seeks to darken and distress,
    Love governs wisely with kindness.

    Love is an Incarnate blessing,
    Springing from the inner soul.
    Making the heartsick fully whole,
    Cheering with its sweet caressing.
    Love has power to soothe the madness
    Of the stern, unkind and cold,
    And to change drear gloom to gladness
    As if turning dross to gold:
    Hate is stern, cold and decoy.
    Love is life and strength and joy.

    Oh! for Cupid's bow and arrow,
    That I might enflame the drear,
    That I might the lonely cheer
    And with love displace keen sorrow.
    As a star speaks to a star,
    As the light springs from the flame,
    So affection, near or far.
    Reciprocates true love again;
    Hate drives every joy away,
    Love kindly calls and bids you stay.

  • Love And Reason
    Poet: Nixon Waterman

    The lily's lips are pure and white without a touch of fire;
    The rose's heart is warm and red and sweetened with desire.
    In earth's broad fields of deathless bloom the gladdest lives are those
    Whose thoughts are as the lily and whose love is like the rose.

    26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (6)

  • Valentine's Day
    Poet: Charles Fenno Hoffman

    The snow yet in the hollow lies;
    But, where by shelvy hill 'tis seen.
    In myriad rills it trickling flies
    To lace the slope with threads of green;
    Down in the meadow glancing wings
    Flit in the sunshine round a tree.
    Where still a frosted apple clings.
    Regale for early Chickadee:

    And chestnut buds begin to swell.
    Where flying squirrels peep to know
    If from the tree-top, yet, 'twere well
    To sail on leathery wing below —
    As gently shy and timorsome.
    Still holds she back who should be mine;
    Come, Spring, to her coy bosom, come.
    And warm it toward her Valentine!

    Come, Spring, and with the breeze that calls
    The wind-flower by the hill-side rill,
    The soft breeze that by orchard wails
    First dallies with the dalfodil—
    Come lift the tresses from her cheeky
    And let me see the blush divine.
    That mantling there, those curls would seek
    To hide from her true Valentine,

    Come, Spring, and with the Red-breast's note,
    That tells of bridal tenderness,
    Where on the breeze he'll warbling float
    Afar his nesting mate to bless —
    Come, whisper, 'tis not always Spring!
    When birds may mate on every spray —
    That April boughs cease blossoming!
    With love it is not always May!

    Come, touch her heart with thy soft tale,
    Of tears within the floweret's cup,
    Of fairest things that soonest fail,
    Of hopes we vainly garner up —
    And while, that gentle heart to melt.
    Like mingled wreath, such tale you twine,
    Whisper what lasting bliss were felt
    In lot shared with her Valentine.

    One of the most famous poems for Valentine's day, How Do I Love Thee, was written by the famous poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The verses express love and affection in an inspiring way. A great poem to share with your Valentine!

    How Do I Love Thee Poems

    We would give anything to bring happiness to the one we love.
    But no material thing or no skill can ever bring more than your love!
  • A Valentine
    Poet: Clinton Scollard

    If only I might sing
    Like birds in spring -
    Robin, or thrush, or wren,
    In grove or glen;

    If only I might suit
    To harp or lute.
    To chime in tender time
    Some touching rhyme,

    Then I'd hope in vain
    Thine ear to gain ;
    But now - I halt - I quail -
    Ah! must I fail?

    So small my skill to plead
    My earnest need,
    Love - love is all the plea
    I bring to thee.

  • How Do I Love Thee
    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
    For the ends of being and ideal grace.
  • Laden With Love
    Poet: Unknown

    I send you a book, dear, this season,
    For everything else seemed so small,
    I had such a volume of wishes
    No letter could hold them at all.

    I wish you, oh, what don't I wish you
    Of everything lovely and sweet!
    May sunshine be always around you
    And pleasant the paths of your feet.

    These little winged messengers, flitting
    The leaves of my book through and through,
    Are laden with love and remembrance
    And greetings all tender and true;

    Turn over my volume again, dear,
    And read 'twixt the lines, for you may,
    Whatever is brightest and fairest,
    That same do I wish you to-day.

    Words that were written from the heart expressing love for that special person

  • I Love You Dear
    Poet Unknown

    Because I love you, dear,-
    Because my heart sings all day long,
    A song of love, a new sweet song,
    I find I love the whole world more.

    Because I love you, dear, -
    I love the little ones I pass,
    And see, in each dear lad and lass
    The flower of love like ours, dear heart.

    Because I love you, dear, -
    I'm tenderer than I have ever been,
    The thought of you comes in between
    Me and an impulse less than true.

    Because I love you, dear, -
    Ah! what in all the world is there
    I cannot suffer, cannot dare?
    Because you're all the world to me.

    More poems How Do I Love Thee Poems

    26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (7)

    Funny Valentine Poems

    Whether you're celebrating with a special someone or enjoying the single life, these poems promise to tickle your funny boneand remind you that love is best served with a side of laughter.
  • My Sweet Delight

    Valentine, my sweet delight,
    Let's skip the clichés, alright?
    No teddy bears or heart-shaped things,
    Just jump around like we've got wings.

  • Giggles

    Oh, Valentine, you make me giggle,
    With your silly jokes that make me wiggle.
    You're the love of my life, no doubt,
    Even though I may be a little stout.

    More poems Funny Valentine Poems

    Family Valentine Poems

    These poems portray our love, appreciation, and gratitude for our family members.
  • My Dearest Family

    To my dearest family, on this Valentine's day,
    I want to express my love in every way.
    Your support and love mean the world to me,
    In your company, I feel happy as can be.
    So on this day of love, I just want to say,
    Thank you for being my family each and every day.

    Find more Family Valentine Poems

    Christian Valentine Poems

    Share one of our Christian Valentine poems with those that you love.
  • Bound By Love
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    On this Valentine's Day, a message to convey,
    To my family, Christian hearts never sway.
    Bound by love so strong, through every season,
    Christian faith anchors, with roots of reason.

    In this sacred bond, love's grace is found,
    A love that echoes harmoniously all around.
    Through joy and sorrow, through highs and lows,
    Christian love in the family, like a river, forever flows.

  • 26 Valentines Day Poems, Expressing Love and Appreciation (2024)
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    Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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    Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

    Birthday: 1996-05-16

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    Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.