100 Positive Affirmations That Will Uplift You (2024)

Do you want to feel empowered to attract more money, love, success, a better job, good health, and positive energy into your life?

Are you ready to tap into the power of your mind and use the Law of Attraction to get what you want?

Here is a list of the best daily short positive self affirmations (with images) that are very powerful & will inspire & motivate you to change your mindset & focus on positive thinking so that you can attract more abundance.

These subliminal words and statements will give you the faith and courage to move forward and take action in your life so that you can:

– Achieve your goals

– Attract more abundance

– Build more confidence

– Change your habits

– Develop self esteem

– Feel more happy & alive

– Find true love

– Get your dream job

– Lose weight

– Make more money

– Release stress and anxiety

– Stop negative thinking

– Start your day off right

+ more!

Use the navigation links below to find the types of affirmations you are looking for on this page:


2.Christian affirmations

3.Confidence affirmations

4.Daily affirmations

5.Happiness affirmations

6. Health affirmations

7.Kids affirmations

8.Love affirmations

9.Men affirmations


11.Morning affirmations

12. Positive thinking affirmations

13.Short positive affirmations

14.Success affirmations

15.Weight loss affirmations

16.Women affirmations

17.Work affirmations

18. Or check out our entire list of positive affirmations with over 100 categories to choose from.

Contents show

Abundance & prosperity affirmations

I am abundant.

I have everything I need in life.

I deserve everything I want.

I am wealthy and prosperous.

I am a magnet for success.

Each day of my life is filled with abundance.

I am grateful for the amount of abundance I have.

I am attracting money and wealth into my environment.

I have enough of everything I need.

Prosperity flows through every aspect of my life.

The universe will provide for me.

I attract an abundance of wealth and opportunity.

Every part of my life is filled with prosperity.

Christian affirmations

God is with me every day.

There is nothing that God and I can’t handle together.

Every day my love for God grows.

The Holy spirt flows through me.

Jesus loves me.

God’s love fills me with peace and joy.

I put my faith and trust into God’s hands.

The Lord is my savior.

I have nothing to worry about so long as God is with me.

My heart belongs to God.

The word of God is with me each and every day.

God’s Kingdom resides in my soul.

The Lord provides everything I need.

I believe I God with all of my heart and soul.

God’s love gives me strength and courage to overcome anything.

I call upon the healing power of the Lord to guide me.

God’s wisdom gives me hope.

My faith in God grows with every breath I take.

Confidence affirmations

I can do anything I want.

I believe in myself.

I can overcome anything I put my mind to.

I am bold and courageous.

I am good at anything I put my mind to.

I can overcome any obstacle.

People are attracted to my self-confidence.

I embrace challenges as opportunities.

I can take on any challenge.

I am ready to take on the world.

Every day I take action and move forward in my life.

Nothing will stop me from succeeding.

Daily affirmations

I am excited to start the day.

Today is a beautiful day.

I am happy and full of joy.

I attract abundance and wonderful things.

I am surrounded by beautiful people.

Nothing will stand in my way of having a great day.

I am grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life.

Thank you for blessing me with good health.

My heart is filled with love and joy.

I radiate positive energy to all of those around me.

Happiness affirmations

I deserve to be happy.

I am so happy today.

My life is filled with joy and good energy.

I am delighted to to be alive.

I am getting happier and happier each and every day.

I choose to be happy no matter what happens.

Happiness radiates through my body.

My happiness is contagious to those around me.

I attract happy people into my life.

I am grateful to be happy and alive right now.

Living happy is my natural state of being.

My mind is filled with happy thoughts.

I am a happy and loving person.

Health affirmations

I am grateful for my good health.

My body is healthy and strong.

I eat healthy foods each and every day.

My mind and body is filled with positive energy.

I have an abundance of energy.

I deserve to be healthy and happy.

Each day of my life is filled with vibrant health.

My mind and body is a sacred temple.

My body is filled with vitality and good health.

I am whole and my body is healed.

Each and every cell of my body is full of God’s life force energy.

I am affirmations (for women)

I am a Goddess.

I am beautiful.

I am sexy.

I am loved.

I am confident.

I am healthy.

I am a powerful woman.

I am a strong woman.

I am courageous.

I am empowered.

I am fulfilled.

I am happy.

I am love.

I am kind.

I am giving.

I am compassionate.

I am a good friend.

I am a good person.

I am affirmations (for men)

I am strong.

I am bold.

I am confident.

I am wealthy.

I am successful.

I am good looking.

I am healthy.

I am smart.

I am brave.

I am powerful.

I am courageous.

I am a good person.

I am resilient.

I am fulfilled.

I am in control of my life.

Kids affirmations

I believe in myself.

I love to learn new things.

I am healthy and happy.

I love making new friends.

I deserve good things to happen in my life.

I have the confidence to be myself.

My life is fun and filled with joy.

I am smart and make good choices.

Each day I look forward to taking on a new adventure.

I am grateful for my friends and family.

It’s okay if I make mistakes and am not perfect.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

I am proud of the person I am becoming.

Love affirmations

I love myself.

I attract love into my life.

My heart is open and willing to accept love.

I deserve to have an amazing soul mate.

I am manifesting the perfect person to share my life with.

My relationships are filled with joy and happiness.

I am attracting the perfect person into my life.

I am filled with love and enjoy sharing it with my partner.

I create long lasting relationships filled with joy and laughter.

Receiving love comes natural and effortless to me.

I enjoy giving love to my partner.

I am grateful for the loving relationships I have.

The Universe will send me the perfect person to share my life with.

Money & wealth affirmations

I attract wealth into my life.

My bank is full of money.

Being wealthy comes natural to me.

I deserve to be rich and wealthy.

I am attracting a great deal of financial abundance.

The universe is sending me a lot of money.

Every day my income is growing.

I welcome large amounts of money into my bank account.

My life is flowing with wealth and abundance.

Money comes to me from all areas of my life.

I am a multimillionaire.

My wealth is constantly growing.

I am ready to receive wealth into my life now.

Morning affirmations

I am happy to be alive.

I am ready to start the day.

Today is a great day.

I am in charge of my life.

I have the power to create my reality.

I am full of energy, love, and joy.

I am a magnet for good things in my life.

I am at peace and ready to have a good day.

Everything is happening perfectly for me.

Nothing can stop me from having an amazing day.

I see the good in every person.

I can handle anything that comes my way.

I welcome good things to happen in my life today.

No matter what happens today, I will stay positive and upbeat.

Positive affirmations for success

I am in control of my future and will succeed.

Nothing will stop me from creating success.

I deserve to be successful and happy.

I am grateful for the amount of success in my life.

I am attracting great success and prosperity.

Everything I do becomes a great success.

I am inspired and motivated to achieve everything my heart desires.

I am accomplishing great things.

I am achieving my goals and becoming successful.

Every day is filled with new opportunities for me to become successful at.

Everything is happening perfectly in my life.

I am a magnet for abundance and success.

I am committed to having great things happen in my life.

I am an accomplished and successful person.

Positive thinking affirmations

I am in control of my thoughts.

I always focus on the positive.

My mind is full of positive images.

I can turn any negative situation into a positive one.

Nothing will get in my way of thinking good thoughts.

Thinking positively comes natural to me.

I am optimistic about my future.

I feel great right now.

My mind and heart is full of joy.

I am in control of how I feel.

I choose to feel good in every moment.

I am drawn to positive people and situations.

I am radiating positive thoughts and vibes.

Short positive affirmations

I am happy.

I am successful.

I am healthy.

I attract abundance.

I have a great body.

I deserve good things.

Life is beautiful.

I am confident.

I am courageous.

I am financially abundant.

Weight loss affirmations

I deserve to be thin.

Losing weight is easy.

My body is thin and healthy.

I know I will lose the weight.

I love and respect myself.

Nothing will stop me from accomplishing my goal.

I love eating healthy foods that keep me thin.

Every day I am getting closer to my ideal weight.

I love exercising and going to the gym.

My body is shedding the extra weight fast.

Being slim and healthy is my natural state of being.

I am strong and disciplined.

I am grateful for my healthy body.

Being healthy and fit is part of my daily lifestyle.

Every day I make good choices towards staying fit.

Work affirmations

I love my job.

My career gives me great satisfaction.

I am in control of my future.

I enjoy going to work every day.

I am capable of great things.

I love solving problems and overcoming challenges at my job.

My voice matters and I make a difference at work.

Every day I am getting better at what I do.

People appreciate me for the work I do.

I am attracting great opportunities into my life.

I am excited to do good work today.

I am proud to be a part of something special.

List of positive affirmations

Abundance Affirmations

Adversity affirmations

Affirmations for him

Alcohol affirmations

Anger Affirmations

Anxiety Affirmations

Addiction Affirmations

Attract love affirmations

Back pain affirmations

Beauty affirmations

Birth affirmations

Bedtime affirmations

Body image affirmations

Boyfriend Affirmations

Break up affirmations

Broken heart affirmations

Business affirmations

Calming affirmations

Career affirmations

Chakra affirmations

Change affirmations

College student affirmations

Confidence affirmations

Couples affirmations

Courage affirmations

Creativity affirmations

Dating affirmations

Decluttering affirmations

Depression affirmations

Detachment affirmations

Determination affirmations

Dieting affirmations

Difficult times affirmations

Discipline affirmations

Divorce affirmations

Eating disorder affirmations

Education affirmations

Energy affirmations

Empowerment affirmations

Encouragement affirmations

Entrepreneur affirmations

Exercise affirmations

Finances affirmations

Find love affirmations

Fitness affirmations

Focus affirmations

Fear affirmations

Fertility affirmations

Forgiveness affirmations

Getting pregnant affirmations

Goals affirmations

Good day affirmations

Gratitude affirmations

Greatness affirmations

Grief affirmations

Growth affirmations

Happiness affirmations

Hard times affirmations

Healing affirmations

Health affirmations

Healthy eatingaffirmations

Heart affirmations

Heartbreak affirmations


Husband affirmations

I am affirmations

Illness affirmations

Infertility affirmations

Inner child affirmations

Inner peaceaffirmations

Insecurity affirmations


Introverts affirmations

Intuition affirmations

Jealousy affirmations

Job interview affirmations

Job loss affirmations

Job search affirmations

Job success affirmations

Joy affirmations

Kids affirmations

Learning affirmations

Letting go affirmations

Life purpose affirmations

Lonely heart affirmations

Loss affirmations

Love affirmations

Manifesting affirmations

Marriage affirmations

Meditation affirmations

Men affirmations

Money affirmations

Morning affirmations

Motivation affirmations

Mourning affirmations

Negative thoughtsaffirmations

New home affirmations

New job affirmations

New mom affirmations

Nurses affirmations

Organization affirmations

Overthinking affirmations

Overwhelmed affirmations



Patience affirmations

Peace affirmations

Positive words for kids

Pregnancy affirmations



Prosperity affirmations

Quit drinking alcohol affirmations

Quit smoking affirmations

Quit sugar affirmations

Realtor affirmations

Recovery affirmations

Relationship affirmations

Relaxation affirmations

Running affirmations

Self confidence affirmations

Self esteem affirmations

Self improvement affirmations

Self love affirmations

Stop worrying affirmations

Stress affirmations

Sleep affirmations

Success affirmations

Sugar affirmations

Trust affirmations

Uncertainty affirmations

Unemployed affirmations

Wealth affirmations

Weight loss affirmations

Women affirmations

Work affirmations

Worry affirmations

Working out affirmations

Writers affirmations

These affirmations will help you create the perfect vision board so that you can become more self aware and boost your confidence courage and self esteem.

Affirmation Resources

Do affirmations work?

What is the definition of positive affirmations?

What is a positive affirmation statement?

What is a daily affirmation?

How does positive affirmations work?

Should I use daily affirmations?

What does it mean to affirm your identity?

What do affirmations do?

How do you write or create an affirmation?

What is an affirming statement?

100 Positive Affirmations That Will Uplift You (2024)


Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

"I am worthy of abundance, success, and prosperity." "I am capable of creating a life that I love and am passionate about." "I am surrounded by love and support from friends and family." The most powerful positive affirmation is “ Everyday I am getting better and better”.

What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  • I expect to win. I deserve to win.
  • I will not care what other people think.
  • I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

What are 3 positive self talk quotes? ›

50 Positive Self-Affirmations
  • I am successful.
  • I am confident.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am strong.
  • I am getting better and better every day.
  • All I need is within me right now.
  • I wake up motivated.
  • I am an unstoppable force of nature.
Apr 30, 2020

What is a powerful affirmation to start the day? ›

I am grateful for the abundance in my life. I am worthy of being loved, being happy, and doing what brings me joy. I am joyfully embracing each new day with gratitude. I am experiencing gratitude for everything I have in my life.

What can I say to attract money? ›

20 money affirmations
  • I am in control of my financial wellness.
  • My net worth is not my self-worth.
  • I am at peace with my portfolio.
  • I believe I have all the money I need.
  • My money goes to what I value.
  • I deserve the money that I earn.
  • I am a great giver of financial gifts.
  • My money works hard for me.

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What are 5 positive statements? ›

11 Self-Love Affirmations

I give myself permission to be myself. I love myself deeply. I trust myself fully. I am allowed to take care of myself.

What positive statement would you say to yourself? ›

Some of these affirmations include "I am enough, and I don't need to change," "I am beautifully unique," and "I am worthy of everything good in life". Other positive affirmations include "I believe in myself and my abilities," "I am capable of achieving my goals," and "I am deserving of love and respect".

How many affirmations should I say a day? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

What are some positive messages? ›

50 motivational quotes
  • "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — ...
  • "Your self-worth is determined by you. ...
  • "Nothing is impossible. ...
  • "Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." — ...
  • “You have brains in your head. ...
  • "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —
Nov 30, 2023

What are some famous life affirming quotes? ›

Positive Affirmations to Release Anxiety
  • I am safe and secure.
  • I embrace change.
  • I face my challenges with courage and strength.
  • My past does not predict my future.
  • I have survived every day before this one.
  • I'm right where I should be.
  • Peace dwells within me.
  • Everything is unfolding for my greater good.
Jul 11, 2023

What is the best affirmation method? ›

Start your short positive affirmation with the words, “I am…” “I can…” or “I will…” followed by a present tense statement, says Bathgate. It's best to keep it simple so the statement is something you can easily remember and turn to when you're stressed or need motivation.

What makes a powerful affirmation? ›

Say it with feeling.

Affirmations can be more effective when they carry emotional weight. You need to want this change to happen, so every affirmation that you choose to repeat should be a phrase that's meaningful to you.

What's better than affirmations? ›

More than Just Affirming

That's why I choose to use power statements– they are short sentences I create specifically about me, what I am feeling or am experiencing at the time, and empower me to take back control of the physical and emotional.

Why are afformations so powerful? ›

As inherently positive statements, affirmations are designed to encourage an optimistic mindset. And optimism in itself is a powerful thing. In terms of reducing negative thoughts, affirmations have been shown to help with the tendency to linger on negative experiences (Wiesenfeld et al., 2001).

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.